Saturday, 7 January 2012

Top ten games of 2011

So this year was special for me one it’s the year that I started this blog and it’s also one of the best gaming years ever. so it’s now time for the top ten games of 2011, note I was unable to play certain games such as gears 3 so that’s why certain games aren’t on my list.

10- Shogun 2 total war
I love strategy games especially the total war series so it was great news that total war was going back to the basics of combat which was sword fighting, guns are less prominent and less powerful then in empire. The graphics and smaller scale allowed us to focus on a few armies rather than switching between continents and managing huge numbers of armies. Add to that the extremely good multiplayer which is almost non-existent in strategy games makes this a true total war game.
9- La noire

I loved La noire as it made you feel like a real detective in the 1940’s because it didn’t hold back from shocking you with gruesome reality and racism. It also brilliantly incorporated the new face capture technology called motion scan into the interrogation sections and I on many occasions found it incredibly difficult to ascertain whether a subject was lying or telling the truth. However their lack of anything to do on the side and its linear nature means it’s hard to go back and play through again as while you can screw certain things up the case ends very similar to if you did everything right.

8- A2A spitfire
This aircraft is for people who want a challenging flying experience, the mark 1 and 2 spitfire aren’t advanced tech wise an example is the flaps which instead of being controlled by hydraulics are actuated by air. the spit requires a lot of engine management and can overheat if not carful a real representation of the real aircraft.

7- assassins creed revelations
The previous assassins creed was excellent but I missed a few things that made me want to go back and play again, revelations is the ending for this storyline and features all three main characters from the series Desmond, Ezio and Altair. The inclusion of items such as the hooked blade and a lot of die activities such as den defence gives you a lot of things to do.

6- A2A captain of the ship
With the captain of the ship a2a took an interesting path which was to make you feel like a real airline pilot who has to manage fuel load and passengers and has to care for his passengers, if you fly the plane like a crazy person the passengers will react poorly to your actions and you will be reviewed on every flight, this is a great way to make you behave and want to behave like an airline pilot.

5- battlefield 3
Battlefield 3 is great; the multiplayer is exactly what dice is known for. However the single player is still on par with call of duty which isn’t a good thing and EA’s online pass system just pisses me off as I had to spend an extra 800 Microsoft points to experience multiplayer because I had the audacity to buy the game pre owned. I just can’t play fps’s for extended periods of time. But if you like large scale warfare battlefield 3 is worth your money

4- Warhammer 40,000 space marine
I am a Warhammer nerd so anything that involves this amazing game comes under a lot of scrutiny so I am happy to say that space marine delivers where it matters, the marines are modelled brilliantly in the way they move and are perceived by members of the imperial guard and orks. The story isn’t exactly original and the betrayal can be seen coming miles away. However if you want to kill orks with a thunder hammer then buy space marine

3- deus ex human revolution
Human revolution just did everything right the great story and thought provoking decisions make for a great game, add to that the many ways to play the game you have a lot of re play value. The games first DLC is out and I was impressed it still has the tough decisions and is set in a linear environment but still has plenty of ways to play.

2- minecraft
This year I was introduced to minecraft and I missed out on a lot but I’m so happy I jumped in. this is a game you can spend forever playing as you are free totally, there is no story and no objective, play how you want. Create a huge castle, or a massive rails system, mine to the centre of the earth and find precious materials or just wander the huge randomly generated world with only a few tools for survival. The end provides a goal for people who want one and with the huge moding community that improves and add elements minecraft is set to becoming one of the best games ever, a few technical issues stop it from legendary status but the price more than makes up for it.

Skyrim is simply amazing, there is so much detail and things to do, I’m level 21 and I’m still nowhere near the end of this game. It will last for hundreds of hours and Bethesda have learned from fallout and previous elder scrolls games and has produced a masterpiece which does have its fair share of problems such as environment glitches where entire sections of an environment vanish but these are few and far between. Play skyrim you owe it to yourself.

So that’s the end of my list. Let’s hope 2012 can best 2011.
Check out my YouTube and twitter for information about my blog. And happy new year (all be it a bit late)

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Twitter: goodgamereview