Acusiming the P47 was a challenge for a2a who needed over 200 sounds, the 377 was earlier so it has less sounds and features but never the less they have created something amazing and improved it with service pack 1.
The graphics of the 377 are still up to par with all the other aircraft even though it is the biggest aircraft a2a have created; the graphics look their best when you are viewing the engineers panel, which displays everything in great amounts of detail.
The aircraft features 4 Pratt and Witney 4360’s and acusim simulates the engines real behaviour, for example if you are taking off and apply max power and you don’t have your ADI (water injection) then you engines will overheat and possibly in extreme circumstances catch fire meaning you will spend a long time in the engineers panel checking engine temp on the ground and in the air. It is a hard plane to fly.
The strattercruiser is meant for hard core simmers as such the plane is immensely complicated if you are unaware with a2a’s products, to the point where starting it up can be a challenge not including taking off without getting engine fires which happened to me a lot which is why I recommend watching this video on how to start it up The aircraft also comes with a crew who will point out things such as engine temp to hot or cold, however where’s with the B17 you could hand over RPM, cowl flaps and intercoolers to your co-pilot in the 377 you can only give the turbo to you co-pilot meaning you will have to manage the engines.
A2a released service pack one to bring the immurement of newer aircraft such as the maintenance hangar and adding new sound including air stairs, this feature is very nice and being free is makes it a must have, download it and get info on it from
My final verdict for the wings of silver Boeing 377 is a 8/10 it is brilliant and with service pack one is worthy of a 9 but to new simmers the first few hours will be more annoying than fun but once you get it working it is brilliant, go to their you tube and support them all the way
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